Careers Café...

In this article we bring students, parents and carers information on careers and the world of work.
Hazelwick's Entrepreneurs at the Childrens’ Business Fair
Earlier this year, Sam Rogerson from the Children’s Business Fair presented an inspiring assembly to Year 8. The Children’s Business Fair is a one-day marketplace that gives young entrepreneurs (7-17) the opportunity to launch businesses, sell in an authentic environment and earn their own money.
Following the assembly, they had a fantastic response from Hazelwick students, and 16 businesses applied. A selection process then followed, and a number of businesses were given the opportunity to attend the fair.
The original event was delayed for a week due to the weather, so many couldn't make it - but four gritty and determined Hazelwick entrepreneurs launched at the postponed event. We have had some brilliant feedback from the organisers on the students that participated who “proved excellent ambassadors to Hazelwick.” We are very proud of their efforts and are sure they learnt lots through getting involved. Here is report from Sam on the Hazelwick students:
The Children's Business Fair is returning to Crawley on Saturday 15th June in the County Mall. Please do come along and support the young people involved – we are expecting representatives from Hazelwick again!
It is hoped that the CBF will run 3 times annually and participants are encouraged to return, to build on their learning and hone their business and entrepreneurship skills. We will continue to make students aware of these dates.
For more information go to:
Children's Business Fair UK | The next, great entrepreneurs (
Make the Future Yours
Issue 9 of Make the Future Yours! magazine is now available to read for free.
This issue features careers in physiotherapy, tv production, plumbing and architecture. It explains T-levels and contains a wealth of other useful information and advice.
It can be viewed at
Previous issues are available at
Mrs Andrews