
I would like to start by wishing all students, parents and carers a joyful, safe and healthy holiday season and a very happy and peaceful New Year.
The final weeks of term have been immensely busy and productive. Year 11 students have sat their mock examinations and there has been a range of extra-curricular activities involving many of our students.
During December, activities included Sixth Form Festive Friday when everyone had enormous fun while raising money for charity. We collected a large number of boxes of food and other goods to donate to Crawley Open House; Mr Hillier and a team of Sixth Form students and I delivered these the week before term ended. The Crawley Open House team is immensely grateful for the support from Hazelwick.
Throughout these weeks, we have ensured that the quality of teaching has remained high, enabling our students to have positive learning experiences in lessons right through to the end of term.
We say goodbye to Mrs James (SIMS Data Manager), whom we thank for her contribution to our school during her time with us, and wish her luck and happiness in her new ventures.
We look forward to seeing all our students on Monday 6th January (week 2) for the start of the Spring Term.
All good wishes
Ms A Fearon