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Hazelwick School

Our Shared Vision:

For each and every student to achieve their maximum potential.

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Read On!

It has been a delight to discover the reading habits of our new Year 7 students and we have been busy in the library taking their free Bookbuzz book orders. I have featured some of the titles that have proved popular with students. I have also shared information about the Hazelwick Book Group, Duke of Edinburgh Award volunteering opportunities, the library stationery price list, and the answers to the frequently asked questions about the library. I have also reviewed my favourite reads of the summer holiday.

Bookbuzz 2023

Our Year 7 students have been busy in their Reading lessons; in addition to Library inductions, they have been selecting their free books from the selection of titles from the BookTrust‘s Bookbuzz initiative. With sixteen books to choose from, I thought I would feature some of the books that have proved popular with students (see download at the end of the page).

Hazelwick Book Group

The Hazelwick Book Group is open to students in any year group and the monthly meetings take place in the library after school. We have a book-related discussion theme for each meeting and students love to debate the books they have been reading and also make book recommendations. The group is free, and refreshments are provided, no prior booking is necessary. Please drop into the library for the dates and themes list.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Volunteering

Several students complete the volunteering element of their Duke of Edinburgh Award in the library by shelf tidying and returning books to their correct places on the shelves. Most students choose to volunteer for an hour a week after school. Volunteering operates on a first come, first served basis and we currently have a few places remaining. Some students also complete their skills element by reading in the library. If you are interested, please see Mrs Thornton for further information.


The library has a range of stationery items for students to purchase and the updated price list is displayed in the library. Please note that the library can only accept payment by cash and prices may change throughout the academic year.

Prices for Sept 2023:

Item Price
Pens (black, blue and green) 10p
Pencils 10p
Art pencils (2B) 30p
15cm rulers 10p
30cm rulers 15p
Erasers 10p
Pencil sharpeners (metal) 20p
Pencil sharpeners (plastic) 20p
12 coloured pencils £1.40
Glue sticks (Pritt) 95p
Glue sticks (non-Pritt) 70p
Maths sets £1.20
Scientific calculators £8.70
Exam pencil cases 95p

Hazelwick School Library FAQs

I thought parents/careers may find it useful to have a refresher about all things Hazelwick School Library and I have included the answers to our frequently asked questions.

1. How many books can a student borrow and how long can they be borrowed for?

Students can borrow up to a maximum of six books which are issued for three weeks.

2. Can the loan period be extended?

There are two ways to renew library books, either in person with library staff or by emailing the library. The
books will be renewed for a further three weeks, unless the book has been reserved by another student.

3. Are fines charged for overdue library books?

Fines are never charged for overdue library books. The only charge that may be made is for the replacement
cost of lost or damaged books. Parents/carers will be emailed via Wisepay, the school payment system, with
the cost details. Overdue reminders will be sent to students via their Form Tutors and the Head of Year teams
notified when books become very overdue.

4. My son/daughter has mislaid a library book, what should they do?

Please notify the library staff as soon as possible and we will renew the book for a further three weeks. Library
books are usually found after this time but if the book is lost, the replacement cost may be charged.

5. My son/daughter cannot find the book they are looking for in the library, can you help?

The book may be on loan to another student so we would advise students to contact the library staff so that a book reservation can be made on the library computer system. If the book is not held in the library, students are invited to complete a book suggestion form and the librarian will try to order the book. Please check out the ‘Recommended Reads’ section of the library webpages for a selection of booklists and the link to the Hazelwick Reads Twitter account:

Library Contact Details

The library is staffed by Chartered Librarian Mrs Thornton and Library Assistant Mrs Bridgman.
Contact email:
Telephone: 01293 403344 ext:2339
Library Opening Hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm

Mrs Thornton BA (Hons) MCLIP
School Librarian

Click the link below to read this article in full including recommended reads and other news from the Library.