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Hazelwick School

Our Shared Vision:

For each and every student to achieve their maximum potential.

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Latest News

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  • 31/01/24

    Nestlè Hospitality Careers Event

    An inspirational careers event took place for Years 9 and 10 on Wednesday 24th January.
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  • 31/01/24

    St. Catherine’s Youth Enterprise Challenge

    Alongside Mr Chalmers, Mr Leadbitter and Mr Croft, I had the pleasure of watching presentations from nine teams, three from Year 10 and six from Year 12, who pitched their business plans in the hope of being chosen to represent our school in the Youth Enterprise Challenge.
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  • 15/12/23

    Crawley Open House & Festive Friday

    The final weeks of term have been immensely busy and productive.  Year 11 students have sat their mock examinations and there has been a range of extra-curricular activities involving many of our students.
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  • 15/12/23

    Oxford University​​​​​​​ Trip and Bar Mock Trial

    On Wednesday 29th November, Mr McIver and I took a group of Year 12 students to spend the day at St. John’s College, Oxford. The day was full of useful advice and tips: the Oxbridge application process was explained in detail; current students at St. John’s College talked about...
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  • 30/11/23

    Hazelwick School Eco Club

    This month’s article has been written by Varada Shamal in 7NWI
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  • 30/11/23

    Outstanding News

    You will be aware that at the beginning of October we were visited by a team from Ofsted for a full school inspection.  We are still celebrating the publication of our fantastic report, which was sent to all parents/carers earlier this month.  Ofsted judged Hazelwick to be ‘outstandi...
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  • 31/10/23

    Appointment of the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team

    A number of students put themselves forward to be part of our Sixth Form Leadership Team and, after a rigorous selection process, I am delighted to inform you that we have selected eleven to form our team for 2023-24.
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  • 31/10/23

    Hazelwick’s 2024 School Musical Auditions Begin!

    After a slight change to the proposed musical due to such a fabulous turn out from our Key Stage 3 students, the audition process for ‘Annie’ began in the last week of September.  Over 70 students gathered around the piano in South Hall as Mr Bayliss and Miss Moore taught the eager...
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  • 27/09/23

    Read On!

    It has been a delight to discover the reading habits of our new Year 7 students and we have been busy in the library taking their free Bookbuzz book orders. I have featured some of the titles that have proved popular with students. I have also shared information about the Hazelwick Book Group, Duke...
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  • 27/09/23

    Careers Café...

    What Next Sussex - Get Career Confident Calling all Year 11 students and parents/carers! You might be interested in “What Next Sussex 2023?” It’s big, it’s free, it’s action packed and it's back on Tuesday 17th October! 90 minutes of careers guidance tha...
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  • 21/07/23


    Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students have participated in Sports Day on our wonderfully well-maintained school fields. They were great days of sporting competition, camaraderie and fun.  Congratulations to all  students who took part and thank you to the P.E. department for the superb or...
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  • 21/07/23

    Music & Drama

    A mixed group of students studying Music or Drama visited Pineapple Dance Studios for a musical theatre workshop with Corrine Priest, a former Les Misérables star in the West End
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